您好! 本教程页面将包含以下内容:

· 下载与安装Google Chrome浏览器的方法

· 检查您的设备是否已安装Google Chrome浏览器










图标:用于表示应用程序的图像。例:下图为Google Chrome的图标。

Chrome icon


搜索框: 在搜索框中输入想要查询的内容即可在电脑中找到指定文件或线上内容的输入框。

开始菜单: 电脑的主菜单,提供文件搜索功能。


检查您的设备是否已安装 Chrome浏览器 


如果您的设备上已安装Chrome浏览器,您往往可以在包括桌面和开始菜单内的很多地方找到Chrome浏览器的图标(如下图)。 您只需双击图标即可打开Chrome浏览器。

Chrome icon


  • 下图示例为Chrome浏览器的桌面图标。


    Chrome shortcut on Windows desktop

  • 下图示例为Chrome浏览器的任务栏图标。


Chrome pinned on Windows taskbar

  • 如下图所示,您可以在开始菜单(或电脑中其他搜索框)中输入“Chrome”搜索Chrome浏览器。

Chrome searched with Windows start menu

  • 如下图所示,您可以在资源管理器中搜索Google Chrome,然后打开其可执行文件(.exe文件)。

Chrome searched with Windows file explorer

下载ChromeSetup.exe与安装 Chrome浏览器的方法


如果您发现设备上尚未安装Google Chrome 浏览器, 您可以使用目前设备上已有的其他浏览器(如Mozilla Firefox火狐、苹果Safari、微软Edge或IE浏览器)下载Chrome安装文件。 


Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Edge


以下是Google Chrome下载与安装的·逐步教程:

  1. 打开任意浏览器,在搜索框中输入https://www.google.com/chrome/https://www.google.cn/chrome/ 按下键盘上的回车(Enter)键。注意请将鼠标的光标提留在搜索栏中。 您的鼠标光标可能会短暂闪烁,然后将跳转到以下的页面

Chrome website

  1.  点击“下载Chrome”按钮 
  3. ChromeSetup.exe dialogue box should appear over the main browser window. Click the Save File button and, if prompted, choose the location you'd like to save Chrome's installation file which is called ChromeSetup.exe.

Opening ChromeSetup.exe dialogue box

  1. CromeSetup.exe should begin downloading. You can check by clicking your browser's ongoing downloads button (which looks like a downward-pointing arrow) in the upper-right corner of your browser window or by pressing the Ctrl and J keys on your keyboard simultaneously.

ChromeSetup.exe download

  1. Once ChromeSetup.exe has finished downloading, you must double-click it to start the installation of Google Chrome. If you did not choose where to download ChromeSetup.exe, it will be in your Downloads folder, which you can find in the left menu of your file explorer.


  1. Once you double-click on ChromeSetup.exe, a User Account Control dialogue box will appear and you will be asked if you want the Google Update Setup app to make changes on your device. Click the Yes button.
  2. After you click Yes, a download progress window will appear on top of your desktop. Google Chrome's download status will appear as a blue bar that fills from left to right.
  3. After Google Chrome is downloaded, another window will automatically open up showing Google Chrome's installation progress. This is also indicated by a blue bar that fills, left to right.
  4. Now that Google Chrome is installed on your computer, you may refer to the first section of this tutorial (Check If You Already Have Google Chrome) on where to find it and how to open it. Once opened, type the URL of our test into Google Chrome's search box and press enter while the cursor is flashing inside the search box to navigate to the test.