Undergraduate students interested in producing an honours thesis in music cognition under the supervision of Dr. Cohen with the expectation of graduating in May 2026, should plan to submit their pre-application for honours for the Jan, 2025 deadline. General admission requirements are found here and details of the program and the honours application form are found here. For further information contact Dr. Cohen at acohen@upei.ca
Inquiries from potential graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are also welcome.

Auditory Perception & Music Cognition Research & Training Laboratory
Prof. Annabel J. Cohen (Ph.D., ARCT) Director
- Fellow American Psychological Association
- Fellow Canadian Psychological Association
- Fellow Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognition Science
- Fellow Psychonomics Society
Publications are listed in Island Scholar and Google Scholar.
The laboratory is located in Rooms 103-104 Lower Level Robertson Library Building
University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Ave. Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3
e-mail: acohen@upei.ca Tel: (902) 628-4325 [office] or (902) 628-4331 [lab]
Lab Administrative Assistant: Elizabeth Pan - paneli@upei.ca