Song Swap 2024

Virtual Ongoing Interdisciplinary Collaborations on Educating with Song | VOICES 


Upcoming Conferences

The Future of Music and Arts in Medicine and Health, September 18 - 21, 2024 (Berlin, Germany)

Call for papers: The First International Conference in AI Music Studies, December 10 - 12, 2024 (Stockholm, Sweden)

Creativity Conference, July 14–17th, 2022

SMPC 2022 Conference, August 4–7th

The collection and analysis of intensive longitudinal data in psychological science 6 lectures: [APA - Science Directorate]

  • Aug 31, Sept 15, Oct 4, Oct 6, Oct 11

Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts 2025 Conference, March 13-15, 2025 (New Haven, Connecticut, USA) 


Auditory Demonstrations:
Audiovisual Demonstrations:
Audio Hardware:

3D Audio:

Audiovisual Interactions:

Concept Mapping:

Past Conferences:

Past Online Lectures:

Demonstrations (Musical):

Databases of auditory stimuli:

DJVU utilities:

"DjVu is the ultimate scan-to-Web solution-ideal for creating digital documents for easy storage and transmission of existing paper assets, such as leases, contracts, financial records and more. DjVu is a cutting-edge, wavelet-based technology originally developed by AT&T Labs and acquired by LizardTech in March 2000. With DjVu, content developers can scan pages of books, magazines, newspapers, catalogs, legacy documents-the possibilities are endless-and make them instantly available for archiving or placement on the Web" (from

Interesting Sites


Musescore Music notation and composition software

Miscellaneous Music, Psychology and Psychoacoustic Links:

Music Acquisition In Children:

Other Music Cognition Labs:

Pitch estimation:


Wired for sound - CFI Interview with Dr. Annabel Cohen


Sound examples and data bases:

Speech synthesis:

Societies and Resources:

Stimulus presentation programs:

  • MEDS- creates experiments that use multimedia elements
  • Presentation 0.50
  • Psylab- psylab is a collection of scripts, written in Matlab, for designing and controlling interactive psychoacoustical listening experiments in a uniform and quick manner.

Online Listening Tests :

Useful Software:

  • Audacity - Open source digital audio editor and recorder
  • Wavesurfer - Open Source tool for sound visualization and manipulation
  • MEDS- creates experiments that use multimedia elements
  • Cool Edit- Digital Audio Editor ( now Adobe Audition)
  • Cakewalk Pro Audio (SONAR)- MIDI sequencer and multitrack recorder/editor
  • D A Q A R T A -Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis Shareware from Interstellar Research
  • Praat: Doing Phonetics by Computer
  • MF2T - Conversion of MIDI files to ASCII text files

Useful procedures:

  • MF2T - Conversion of MIDI files to ASCII text files

Visual special effects:

List of Music Reserchers:

ICMPC files
(right click links below, select "download target as...")