Google scholar  (works)

Google scholar  (publication date)

Sample of recent  publications: 

Cohen, A. J., McGraw Hunt, A., Garza-Villarreal, E. A.,  & Lu, X (2023).  Editorial: Perspectives on music and pain: from evidence to theory and application.  Frontiers in Pain Research,

Cohen, A. J., & Neumann, I. D.  (2022).  A model for the social neuroscience of music production begins on a dubious note: Commentary on Greenberg et al. (2021).  American Psychologist, 77  (4), 616-618.

Smith, A. M., Kleinerman, K., & Cohen, A. J.  (2022).  Singing lessons as a path to well-being in later life.  Psychology of Music, 50(3), 911-932.

Selected earlier work. 

The URLS are given for most of these references. Most need to be copied and pasted into your browser. These are not all “live” hyperlinks that you click (while hitting the Ctrl key).  NOTE:

The page needs updating -Some of the links work here, but not all do, due to some shifts made in the web-site platform.  See website "Primary Research" for more recent listings, however, even this needs updating.

Cohen, A. J. (2013). Film music and the unfolding narrative. In M. A. Arbib (Ed.), Language, musc and the brain. (173 - 201). Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 10, J. Lupp, series ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 978-0-262-01810-4

Cohen, A. J. (2010). Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing: Development, Education, and Well-Being. SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative     Milestone Document.

Editor (2008 - 2017), Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain. Published since 2011 by the American  Psychological Association.

Cohen, A. J. & Graziano, A (Eds). (2009). A history of music psychology in autobiographyPsychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, Vol 20. Introduction + 8 articles + Conclusion. (208 pages) paste URLbelow  into your browser

Cohen, A. J. & Moghrabi, C. (Eds) (2004). Proceedings of the New Media Research Networks Conference, UPEI, March 2004. (150 pp).

 Cohen, A. J. (Guest Editor, 2002). The Psychology of Music and Aging: Psychogeromusicology. Psychomusicology, Vol 18. (double issue, No. 1 & 2) Introduction + 8 articles).  Paste the URL below into your browser

Cohen, A. J. Guest Editor (1994). Psychology of  Musical Soundtracks. Psychomusicology.   Vol. 13 (double issue, No. 1 and 2). Introduction + 7   articles,   (170 pp). (guest editor) Paste URL below into your browser

Cohen, A. J. (2010). In P. Juslin & J. Sloboda (Eds). Handbook of  Music and Emotion (pp. 879-908). Oxford University Press (requested expansion and update of highly cited 2001 article which has been translated also into Japanese) Sloboda-Ch-31.pdf  [note: this the penultimate version – uncorrected proofs]. . 31-Juslin

Cohen, A. J. (2009). A protocol for cross-cultural research on acquisition of singing. Neurosciences and Music III-Disorders and Plasticity: Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1169, 112-115.

Cohen, A. J. (2005). Music cognition: Defining constraints on musical communication. In D. Miell, R. MacDonald, & D. J. Hargreaves (Eds.) Musical Communication (pp. 61 - 84). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press Defining Constraints on Musical Communication

Cohen, A. J. (2005). How music influences the interpretation of film and video: Approaches from experimentalpsychology. In R. A. Kendall & R. W. Savage (Eds.). Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology: Special Issue in Systematic Musicology: 12, 15-36. How Music Influences Film and Video.

 Cohen, A. J. (2002). Music cognition and the cognitive psychology of film structure. Canadian Psychology, 43, 215- 232.  

Cohen, A. J. (2000). Development of tonality induction: Plasticity, exposure and training. Music Perception, 17, 437-459 %20of%20tonality%20induction.pdf

Cohen, A. J., Lamoureux, M. & Dunphy, D. (1991). NeXT in the psychology laboratory: An example of an auditory pattern tracking task. Behavior Research Methods Instruments and Computers, 23, 523-536.

Cohen, A. J., Thorpe, L. A., & Trehub, S. E. (1987). Infants' perception of short transposed melodic sequences. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 4, 33-47.

Cohen, A.J., & Foley, J.E. (1983). Mental imagery and mental maps. In D. Rogers and J. Sloboda (Eds.), Acquisition of symbolic skills, (pp. 381-390). New York: Plenum       URL is to a related paper – I will either change the reference or provide the correct URL soon.

Cuddy, L.L., Cohen, A.J., & Mewhort, D.J.K.(1981). Perception of structure in short melodic sequencesJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Peformance, 7, 869-883.

Cohen, A.J., Isaacs, P., Flores, S., Harrison, D., & Bradley, J. (1977). The computer as interdisciplinary catalyst. In S. Lusignan & J. North (Eds.), Computing in the Humanities (pp. 197-208). Waterloo: University of Waterloo Press.   URL to come.